Our forefathers were so wise to devise this system of preserving land for future generations and only hindsight tells us that. But, we Alaskans have more National Park land than any other state and probably (unsubstantiated claim alert) in the world! As Americans, and especially as Alaskans, we have a responsibility to enjoy and visit these Parklands. They are a national treasure right on our doorstep so Go ON! Get out there! Commune with nature, you'll be better for it, I promise. :)
Okay, now on to the question of the day. Well, two questions. Both on make-up. Which makes me think that I need to have a make-up party soon.... interested?
Question 1: "Almost all foundation has an SPF in it, which is great, God knows I want to protect myself from harmful UVB rays, however, all liquid foundations with SPF seem to leave my face shiny and a bit greasy looking the moment I apply them. What’s the best, longest lasting way, to tone down the shine but still have UVB protection after I apply the foundation (fyi…I prefer to use Lancome Renergie Lifting Liquid Foundation which contains an SPF 20)."
Answer: Hmmmmm. My first, off the cuff, response to this is ....POWDER! :) But, upon further reflection and research, my thought is your face lotion might be to blame. Ladies, if you use a "dry skin" type moisturizer, it might be
too moisturizing to wear successfully under a foundation.
I find foundation to be too heavy for my skin. I like a tinted moisturizer. For me, it has enough SPF, coverage and moisture for daytime. I have T-zone issues (my forehead, nose and chin) and they get, ahhhh, greasy? (I envision a fast-food restaurant grill as I write that) So, I never put moisturizer there before I apply anything else.
To go back to the question at hand, if you are in love with your foundation, don't moisturize first. If that doesn't help, try a loose translucent powder - lightly dust your T-zone (and only the T-zone, to avoid it settling in face creases) after applying your foundation and as needed throughout the day. That will, most definitely, quell that shine. :)
Okay, the other question I got this week was the "smoky eye" effect - how to apply it and what to wear it with?
A: I looooove the smoky eye. Love love love it. But, understandably, as my friend put it, "Looking into a pot of gunmetal grey eyeshadow is intimidating". She had another great quote too but damnitalltohell, I forget it now. But, I digress... let's delve into smokiness.
As I said in my first post about eyeshadow under the eye - its all about the brush! I can't emphasize this enough - invest in some good make-up brushes!! PLEEEEEEZ, for me?! MAC cosmetics has some good ones, you can buy them in Anchorage at Nordies and I find them to be reasonably priced.
Next, find the right shade of eyeshadow for your skin coloring. If you're fair-complected, then said gunmetal grey is going to be too dark for you. This applies to medium complexions too.
Here are a few variations for more fair-skinned gals that I like alot!

When you apply the shadow, use the lightest color all over your eye - from lashline to eyebrow.
Next, (this is my technique) apply the darkest color around your lashline, upper and lower,and along the crease in your eyelid where your lid creases when you blink.
Now, this is important. Take that new smudge brush you just bought from Nordies and smudge it, baby!! Blend, blend, blend. Apply more and repeat. (see below example of smudge brush)

Then, take the medium shade in your eye palette and sweep it over just your eyelid and then sweep it on your undereye lashline too. This diffuses the dark a little and will make it look more blended. Apply a similar color eyeliner around your eye and inside your lower lashline (technique to be explained another day). Apply lots of black (or blackbrown if you're fair) mascara... And viola (say that in French) - you have sexy, smoky eye. (Only to be worn during the evening hours.)
Put on your best sparkly top - something form-fittng and shows some good boobage - your designer jeans you paid way too much for, perhaps some big, sassy earings or necklace (STOP! choose one, not both) and some heels... uh huh. That's what I'm tawkin' about! *SNAP* baby, you're sexy!
This is a big post, so thanks for baring with me. Keep those questions coming - I love it!!
Peace out.