Today's beauty question posed is about concealing under-eye circles. And funny that was brought up because I was going to talk about that in this post anyway (weird...).
Ladies, this is one of those super crappy things that happen to us as we age (gracefully). The skin under your eyes thins and the blood vessels under the skin start to show through - creating under eye circles that make us look older and tired. UGG! I don't know about you but I intend to be fierce until a ripe age so the very first thing I apply in the morning (after washing my face, examining for any possible breakouts, moisturizing - yadda, yadda, yadda) is apply under-eye concealer. In my humble fashionista opinion, there is nothing and I mean NOTHING (expect clean, white teeth) that will help you look more fresh, more fabulous than erasing those circles!!
This is the brand I use - Erase Paste by Benefit:

I like it because it brightens as well as conceals. I apply it with a brush designed for its application:

Applying with a brush gives a smooth and light application which prevents you from looking too "made-up". I also sort of tap under my eye with my finger to set the concealer. If you have a good powder you like, lightly apply that over you whole eye (I said lightly) and this will give it super staying power.
Another product that received rave review from others but I've never personally tried is this Lancome waterproof concealer. If anyone out there has tried it, give me your thoughts. I might have to try this next.

Before I go, I just have to give you my 2 cents on clean, white teeth. I can't emphasize enough how much of a difference the appearance of your teeth make in your interactions with people. Brush twice daily, floss, get them cleaned 2x a year and for the love of God, if you have yellowing or stained teeth - go to the store and buy some Crest's Whitestrips already! Honest to goodness, you will be amazed at how much differently people will perceive you. I wouldn't lie. Okay, no more sermons. :)
Keep the feedback coming! Peace out.