So, a friend of mine mentioned to me today that I should start a blog about make-up tips. I thought, "Yeah! I should start a blog about make-up!" ... and clothes and shoes and handbags and jewelry... you get the idea.
I can hear you now, asking yourself, "why would I care what you say?" Very valid question. The reason? Because I wake up each morning wanting to be creative with my clothes, shoes, make-up, hair and accessories. And turns out, I'm good at it. And people are constantly asking my opinion and help on what to wear, how to put on make-up and how to update their look.
In Alaska, us ladies are definitely challenged by our choices or lack thereof and we live where our peers don't necessarily demand we look "current" let alone feminine . But I say, throw off that flannel! Carhartt's be damned and Xtratuf's be gone. Let's be strong, confident women who look good! Who's with me?
So, I'm starting a blog. I'm going to write about all things fashion, all things make-up and probably some celebrity gossip and reality TV too, just because I can't help myself. ;)
And if you want some free advice, post your question. And I promise to put up some photos soon!