Okay, I have to share with all of you this amazingly simple yet effective I've-shaved-10-years-off-secret.
But, before I get to the actual secret, I have to preface by saying - ladies, and I mean every age, shape and size lady reading this, you must be practicing a dedicated face moisturizing and cleansing system. This is a must! And if you're not, you must email me and I will help you find one. :) I personally use Arbonne. I was turned on to it this summer through one of those parties and I love it! But, there are lots of cheaper and equally effective products out there.
At a minimum, please use a softer, more gentle cleanser (as opposed to bar soap you use in the shower), a face-specific moisturizer AND (very IMPORTANT!) a dedicated eye cream. Eye area is delicate and requires more intense moisture, so you need a cream especially for the outer eye orbit.
So, with that said, here's a little tip to make your eye cream even more effective. After you apply your eye cream, slide a thin layer of Vaseline over where you just applied your eye cream. I know this sounds crazy but it works!! This is why.
Vaseline is made of mineral oil, which acts like Gortex - a protective barrier that holds moisture in, plumping up that delicate eye area, minimizing the look of those insidious (that's my favorite word these days) crow's feet.
I don't know about ya'll but I have serious crow's feet. And as I age, they get deeper and more prominent. I have used this technique a few times now and it really works! In the morning, I look more rested and... dare I say it...younger!
A side note about this - mineral oil as an ingredient in our facial products, ain't so good. It sits on the surface of your skin which my personal philosophy says can't be that good. Arbonne uses all natural ingredients that actually sink into your skin and help refresh and plump it from the inside. I like the idea of this better. So, if you're not a label reader, now is the time. :)
If you try this routine, send me your feedback. I would love to hear how it works
for you.
And on a personal note, I became a first-time Aunt today and so this blog post is dedicated to my new baby niece, Jillian Elizabeth. Welcome to the world baby Jillie!!
Confidence, empowerment, humor, health and style. All things I am passionate about. And general tidbits too. Co-ed blog but mostly, its for the ladies.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Back to it!
Okay, friends and fans, I apologize for being MIA for the past 4 months. I decided to redo my kitchen and ... well... I got consumed. But, I'm back!
I'm going to talk some fashion because its fall, well actually I think now its officially winter. But, I love this time of year because I love fall fashion and you can actually wear lots of different things - boots, scarves, tights and skirts or pants and sweaters - so many options, textures, colors. The options are endless.
I had a request for info on scarves. Those of you who know me, know I am Queen of scarves. I love them because you can just throw them on and it takes very little effort. Its easier than going through jewelry to determine the best necklace length or which earrings. I just throw one on and go. Plus a warm neck makes me happy. :)
So, I did a little research on YouTube and found some great videos (albeit a bit hokey but just watch don't listen) that show various ways to wear different types of scarves.
And for a pashmina type scarf:
The key is to do what feels right for you. If there's one piece of advice I can give to every woman it would be to let style be about YOU - an expression of who you are. If you love something, that means it's going to reflect the true you so go for it! So, if you LOVE neon pink but are intimidated to wear it, just power through that insecurity and DO IT! (Besides, neon is in style this year. Hello 1982!)
I hope this gives some good ideas for you. Feedback is very much appreciated!!
I'm going to talk some fashion because its fall, well actually I think now its officially winter. But, I love this time of year because I love fall fashion and you can actually wear lots of different things - boots, scarves, tights and skirts or pants and sweaters - so many options, textures, colors. The options are endless.
I had a request for info on scarves. Those of you who know me, know I am Queen of scarves. I love them because you can just throw them on and it takes very little effort. Its easier than going through jewelry to determine the best necklace length or which earrings. I just throw one on and go. Plus a warm neck makes me happy. :)
So, I did a little research on YouTube and found some great videos (albeit a bit hokey but just watch don't listen) that show various ways to wear different types of scarves.
And for a pashmina type scarf:
The key is to do what feels right for you. If there's one piece of advice I can give to every woman it would be to let style be about YOU - an expression of who you are. If you love something, that means it's going to reflect the true you so go for it! So, if you LOVE neon pink but are intimidated to wear it, just power through that insecurity and DO IT! (Besides, neon is in style this year. Hello 1982!)
I hope this gives some good ideas for you. Feedback is very much appreciated!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
This one is for the guys...
So, I have been getting lots of great feedback about the blog and about the content but the one comment I have gotten over and over has been from the not-as-fair sex. That comment is... "uh, yeah, I don't understand one thing you write about." Or - you know- something like that with maybe a few expletives in it.
So, fellas, this one is for you. And for all you ladies, this one is for you too in a roundabout sort of way. I'm sure you get my drift.
Gentleman, first and foremost, shower. Especially if you are going on a first date, a job interview, an important business meeting or the grocery store (you don't know that you won't meet the lady of your dreams or, I don't know, the president or something). Women like men that are clean (this applies to all you dudes in Girdwood too, even though I know you think you're too cool to shower). And use soap, wash your hair, clean your nails, brush your teeth (you know how I feel about clean teeth). To me, and to most women I know, hygiene shows responsibility and more importantly it shows a woman you respect her enough to look good. For me personally, that's a huge deal.
So, next, let's talk about hair. Eh hem. Gentleman, this is now the 21st century and bald is cool (don't forget the sunscreen!!!!). But, long stringy dirty dreadlocks are not. That is so early 90's. And that's exactly what a lady is going to think if you show up with that kind of hair - "this dude is stuck in the past and not looking toward the future". This absolutely applies to any kind of mullet - ABSOLUTELY, no exception. PERIOD.
So, before all the dissing goes to the 1980's and 90's, let's not forget to mention the trend since 2000 of men wearing hair product - gel, paste, whatever. I'll be the first to say that the faux-hawk is kinda cool but if your hair looks wet when it's not? That is decidedly NOT cool. I can hear the small cries of horror from those of you that do your 'do... I'm not say not to do your 'do but maybe the next time your in the market for new hair product, go to a salon and ask a paid professional for some third-party perspective and assistance. :)
Before we move on to clothes and shoes (I'm sure at this point, I've lost most of the male readers anyway), we gotta talk face products for men. And to launch this topic, I have repeat the funniest fricking story I have heard in a very long time (or maybe it was the dark beer that made it funny... anyway).
I have a male friend, he's married to one of my best woman friends, and he knows the importance of using face lotion, of moisturizing. So, he was going for a job interview and running late. He had just gotten out of the shower and went to put on face lotion, grabbing some of his wife's since it was handy.
He thought he had the interview cinched but came away not sure due to the vibe he was feeling from the interviewer. He's driving home and glances in the rearview mirror and notices a shimmer.... he was shimmering. He had inadvertently grabbed his wife's shimmer body lotion and so was going for the manly-man job interview with a touch of glitter all over his face! (this is me falling on the floor laughing my ass off - BOOM) I love this story for two reasons - 1. He pays attention to his skin and 2. He wasn't so horrified that he couldn't make fun of himself. Classic.
So, yeah, men. It. Is. OK. To. Moisturize! Kiehl's makes a nice line that is masculine and affordable. Women like to stroke a smooth cheek just as much as you do. ;) Here's the site: http://www.kiehls.com/_us/_en/men/index.aspx

Last subject, clothing. This is touchy because women (and if your heterosexual, you don't dress for anyone else but women) can vary alot on this issue of how they want their fella to look. So, with that in mind, I'm going to speak from my own perspective on how I would like my (fictional) fella to dress.
I think we all need to dress to express who we are. You should feel like your clothing is an extension of who you are. And pardon me for being serious for a moment, but that is not a decision to be made flippantly.
If you wear -on a daily basis - a ratty flannel and Carhartt's, that says to me you don't really give a shit. And when I say this, I'm not talking about our fellas out there who work on a remote cabin or construction or generally do something where you get dirty over the course of your day. And if you do do something where you get dirty over the course of the day, most of us gals think that's kinda hot. But, when you want to spend time with your gal or are going to the grocery store, go for something that you bought within the last year that doesn't include a baseball hat with a flat rim. No holes, no frayed seams, not too baggy and not too tight. T-shirts are fine but no stains or holes Puh-leeez! And don't just throw one on since it was the closest one to you on the floor. We can tell.
If you must wear business wear - make sure it fits right. If you shirt sags in the neck, it DOES NOT fit right. If the top seam of your sleeve hits mid bicep, it DOES NOT fit right. If your pants crease more than two creases over your shoe.... you guess it .... it DOES NOT fit right. Questions? See a tailor. There's a good one in the little mall where Northern Lights and Minnesota meet.
If you're a khaki and polo kinda guy, no worries. Just don't keep the exact same polo and khaki's for 5 years, spend the money and update the cut of your pant and the color of your shirts every year. I know that seems like a big commitment for some of you but I know you can do it. I know you can. And if you find that you're struggling with what to buy - go ask the cute little sales girl (the one you would date) and ask her to help you. I know that can be a foreign concept but just pretend I'm another dude and I'm daring you to do it. Or I'll kick your ass. Does that help?
And finally, all of the above applies to footwear too. If your girlfriend says your shoes are crap - get some new ones! Embrace 2009, there's some kickass style out there now. Go get you some!!
There's alot of ground to cover on the subject of men and fashion - I can't possibly cover all the finer points but if you have specific questions, feel free to post a comment. Just don't call me a bitch or I'll give a high-pitched squeal and cry.
Peace out.
So, fellas, this one is for you. And for all you ladies, this one is for you too in a roundabout sort of way. I'm sure you get my drift.
Gentleman, first and foremost, shower. Especially if you are going on a first date, a job interview, an important business meeting or the grocery store (you don't know that you won't meet the lady of your dreams or, I don't know, the president or something). Women like men that are clean (this applies to all you dudes in Girdwood too, even though I know you think you're too cool to shower). And use soap, wash your hair, clean your nails, brush your teeth (you know how I feel about clean teeth). To me, and to most women I know, hygiene shows responsibility and more importantly it shows a woman you respect her enough to look good. For me personally, that's a huge deal.
So, next, let's talk about hair. Eh hem. Gentleman, this is now the 21st century and bald is cool (don't forget the sunscreen!!!!). But, long stringy dirty dreadlocks are not. That is so early 90's. And that's exactly what a lady is going to think if you show up with that kind of hair - "this dude is stuck in the past and not looking toward the future". This absolutely applies to any kind of mullet - ABSOLUTELY, no exception. PERIOD.
So, before all the dissing goes to the 1980's and 90's, let's not forget to mention the trend since 2000 of men wearing hair product - gel, paste, whatever. I'll be the first to say that the faux-hawk is kinda cool but if your hair looks wet when it's not? That is decidedly NOT cool. I can hear the small cries of horror from those of you that do your 'do... I'm not say not to do your 'do but maybe the next time your in the market for new hair product, go to a salon and ask a paid professional for some third-party perspective and assistance. :)
Before we move on to clothes and shoes (I'm sure at this point, I've lost most of the male readers anyway), we gotta talk face products for men. And to launch this topic, I have repeat the funniest fricking story I have heard in a very long time (or maybe it was the dark beer that made it funny... anyway).
I have a male friend, he's married to one of my best woman friends, and he knows the importance of using face lotion, of moisturizing. So, he was going for a job interview and running late. He had just gotten out of the shower and went to put on face lotion, grabbing some of his wife's since it was handy.
He thought he had the interview cinched but came away not sure due to the vibe he was feeling from the interviewer. He's driving home and glances in the rearview mirror and notices a shimmer.... he was shimmering. He had inadvertently grabbed his wife's shimmer body lotion and so was going for the manly-man job interview with a touch of glitter all over his face! (this is me falling on the floor laughing my ass off - BOOM) I love this story for two reasons - 1. He pays attention to his skin and 2. He wasn't so horrified that he couldn't make fun of himself. Classic.
So, yeah, men. It. Is. OK. To. Moisturize! Kiehl's makes a nice line that is masculine and affordable. Women like to stroke a smooth cheek just as much as you do. ;) Here's the site: http://www.kiehls.com/_us/_en/men/index.aspx

Last subject, clothing. This is touchy because women (and if your heterosexual, you don't dress for anyone else but women) can vary alot on this issue of how they want their fella to look. So, with that in mind, I'm going to speak from my own perspective on how I would like my (fictional) fella to dress.
I think we all need to dress to express who we are. You should feel like your clothing is an extension of who you are. And pardon me for being serious for a moment, but that is not a decision to be made flippantly.
If you wear -on a daily basis - a ratty flannel and Carhartt's, that says to me you don't really give a shit. And when I say this, I'm not talking about our fellas out there who work on a remote cabin or construction or generally do something where you get dirty over the course of your day. And if you do do something where you get dirty over the course of the day, most of us gals think that's kinda hot. But, when you want to spend time with your gal or are going to the grocery store, go for something that you bought within the last year that doesn't include a baseball hat with a flat rim. No holes, no frayed seams, not too baggy and not too tight. T-shirts are fine but no stains or holes Puh-leeez! And don't just throw one on since it was the closest one to you on the floor. We can tell.
If you must wear business wear - make sure it fits right. If you shirt sags in the neck, it DOES NOT fit right. If the top seam of your sleeve hits mid bicep, it DOES NOT fit right. If your pants crease more than two creases over your shoe.... you guess it .... it DOES NOT fit right. Questions? See a tailor. There's a good one in the little mall where Northern Lights and Minnesota meet.
If you're a khaki and polo kinda guy, no worries. Just don't keep the exact same polo and khaki's for 5 years, spend the money and update the cut of your pant and the color of your shirts every year. I know that seems like a big commitment for some of you but I know you can do it. I know you can. And if you find that you're struggling with what to buy - go ask the cute little sales girl (the one you would date) and ask her to help you. I know that can be a foreign concept but just pretend I'm another dude and I'm daring you to do it. Or I'll kick your ass. Does that help?
And finally, all of the above applies to footwear too. If your girlfriend says your shoes are crap - get some new ones! Embrace 2009, there's some kickass style out there now. Go get you some!!
There's alot of ground to cover on the subject of men and fashion - I can't possibly cover all the finer points but if you have specific questions, feel free to post a comment. Just don't call me a bitch or I'll give a high-pitched squeal and cry.
Peace out.
men's skin care,
one for the guys
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Make-up, make-up, make-up...
Since Wednesday (the last post) things sped up in my life so I'm just now getting a minute to write. I went to see Ken Burns at the PAC and I have to evangelicize for a moment on our National Parks.
Our forefathers were so wise to devise this system of preserving land for future generations and only hindsight tells us that. But, we Alaskans have more National Park land than any other state and probably (unsubstantiated claim alert) in the world! As Americans, and especially as Alaskans, we have a responsibility to enjoy and visit these Parklands. They are a national treasure right on our doorstep so Go ON! Get out there! Commune with nature, you'll be better for it, I promise. :)
Okay, now on to the question of the day. Well, two questions. Both on make-up. Which makes me think that I need to have a make-up party soon.... interested?
Question 1: "Almost all foundation has an SPF in it, which is great, God knows I want to protect myself from harmful UVB rays, however, all liquid foundations with SPF seem to leave my face shiny and a bit greasy looking the moment I apply them. What’s the best, longest lasting way, to tone down the shine but still have UVB protection after I apply the foundation (fyi…I prefer to use Lancome Renergie Lifting Liquid Foundation which contains an SPF 20)."
Answer: Hmmmmm. My first, off the cuff, response to this is ....POWDER! :) But, upon further reflection and research, my thought is your face lotion might be to blame. Ladies, if you use a "dry skin" type moisturizer, it might be
too moisturizing to wear successfully under a foundation.
I find foundation to be too heavy for my skin. I like a tinted moisturizer. For me, it has enough SPF, coverage and moisture for daytime. I have T-zone issues (my forehead, nose and chin) and they get, ahhhh, greasy? (I envision a fast-food restaurant grill as I write that) So, I never put moisturizer there before I apply anything else.
To go back to the question at hand, if you are in love with your foundation, don't moisturize first. If that doesn't help, try a loose translucent powder - lightly dust your T-zone (and only the T-zone, to avoid it settling in face creases) after applying your foundation and as needed throughout the day. That will, most definitely, quell that shine. :)
Okay, the other question I got this week was the "smoky eye" effect - how to apply it and what to wear it with?
A: I looooove the smoky eye. Love love love it. But, understandably, as my friend put it, "Looking into a pot of gunmetal grey eyeshadow is intimidating". She had another great quote too but damnitalltohell, I forget it now. But, I digress... let's delve into smokiness.
As I said in my first post about eyeshadow under the eye - its all about the brush! I can't emphasize this enough - invest in some good make-up brushes!! PLEEEEEEZ, for me?! MAC cosmetics has some good ones, you can buy them in Anchorage at Nordies and I find them to be reasonably priced.
Next, find the right shade of eyeshadow for your skin coloring. If you're fair-complected, then said gunmetal grey is going to be too dark for you. This applies to medium complexions too.
Here are a few variations for more fair-skinned gals that I like alot!

When you apply the shadow, use the lightest color all over your eye - from lashline to eyebrow.
Next, (this is my technique) apply the darkest color around your lashline, upper and lower,and along the crease in your eyelid where your lid creases when you blink.
Now, this is important. Take that new smudge brush you just bought from Nordies and smudge it, baby!! Blend, blend, blend. Apply more and repeat. (see below example of smudge brush)

Then, take the medium shade in your eye palette and sweep it over just your eyelid and then sweep it on your undereye lashline too. This diffuses the dark a little and will make it look more blended. Apply a similar color eyeliner around your eye and inside your lower lashline (technique to be explained another day). Apply lots of black (or blackbrown if you're fair) mascara... And viola (say that in French) - you have sexy, smoky eye. (Only to be worn during the evening hours.)
Put on your best sparkly top - something form-fittng and shows some good boobage - your designer jeans you paid way too much for, perhaps some big, sassy earings or necklace (STOP! choose one, not both) and some heels... uh huh. That's what I'm tawkin' about! *SNAP* baby, you're sexy!
This is a big post, so thanks for baring with me. Keep those questions coming - I love it!!
Peace out.
Our forefathers were so wise to devise this system of preserving land for future generations and only hindsight tells us that. But, we Alaskans have more National Park land than any other state and probably (unsubstantiated claim alert) in the world! As Americans, and especially as Alaskans, we have a responsibility to enjoy and visit these Parklands. They are a national treasure right on our doorstep so Go ON! Get out there! Commune with nature, you'll be better for it, I promise. :)
Okay, now on to the question of the day. Well, two questions. Both on make-up. Which makes me think that I need to have a make-up party soon.... interested?
Question 1: "Almost all foundation has an SPF in it, which is great, God knows I want to protect myself from harmful UVB rays, however, all liquid foundations with SPF seem to leave my face shiny and a bit greasy looking the moment I apply them. What’s the best, longest lasting way, to tone down the shine but still have UVB protection after I apply the foundation (fyi…I prefer to use Lancome Renergie Lifting Liquid Foundation which contains an SPF 20)."
Answer: Hmmmmm. My first, off the cuff, response to this is ....POWDER! :) But, upon further reflection and research, my thought is your face lotion might be to blame. Ladies, if you use a "dry skin" type moisturizer, it might be
too moisturizing to wear successfully under a foundation.
I find foundation to be too heavy for my skin. I like a tinted moisturizer. For me, it has enough SPF, coverage and moisture for daytime. I have T-zone issues (my forehead, nose and chin) and they get, ahhhh, greasy? (I envision a fast-food restaurant grill as I write that) So, I never put moisturizer there before I apply anything else.
To go back to the question at hand, if you are in love with your foundation, don't moisturize first. If that doesn't help, try a loose translucent powder - lightly dust your T-zone (and only the T-zone, to avoid it settling in face creases) after applying your foundation and as needed throughout the day. That will, most definitely, quell that shine. :)
Okay, the other question I got this week was the "smoky eye" effect - how to apply it and what to wear it with?
A: I looooove the smoky eye. Love love love it. But, understandably, as my friend put it, "Looking into a pot of gunmetal grey eyeshadow is intimidating". She had another great quote too but damnitalltohell, I forget it now. But, I digress... let's delve into smokiness.
As I said in my first post about eyeshadow under the eye - its all about the brush! I can't emphasize this enough - invest in some good make-up brushes!! PLEEEEEEZ, for me?! MAC cosmetics has some good ones, you can buy them in Anchorage at Nordies and I find them to be reasonably priced.
Next, find the right shade of eyeshadow for your skin coloring. If you're fair-complected, then said gunmetal grey is going to be too dark for you. This applies to medium complexions too.
Here are a few variations for more fair-skinned gals that I like alot!

When you apply the shadow, use the lightest color all over your eye - from lashline to eyebrow.
Next, (this is my technique) apply the darkest color around your lashline, upper and lower,and along the crease in your eyelid where your lid creases when you blink.
Now, this is important. Take that new smudge brush you just bought from Nordies and smudge it, baby!! Blend, blend, blend. Apply more and repeat. (see below example of smudge brush)

Then, take the medium shade in your eye palette and sweep it over just your eyelid and then sweep it on your undereye lashline too. This diffuses the dark a little and will make it look more blended. Apply a similar color eyeliner around your eye and inside your lower lashline (technique to be explained another day). Apply lots of black (or blackbrown if you're fair) mascara... And viola (say that in French) - you have sexy, smoky eye. (Only to be worn during the evening hours.)
Put on your best sparkly top - something form-fittng and shows some good boobage - your designer jeans you paid way too much for, perhaps some big, sassy earings or necklace (STOP! choose one, not both) and some heels... uh huh. That's what I'm tawkin' about! *SNAP* baby, you're sexy!
This is a big post, so thanks for baring with me. Keep those questions coming - I love it!!
Peace out.
national parks,
smoky eye,
tinted moisterizer
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Next question and other miscellaneous...
So, first of all, a crazy BIG thanks to everyone who has helped to get the word out about this blog and your tremendous show of support. It honestly and truly means the world! Now, on to the fun stuff.
Today's beauty question posed is about concealing under-eye circles. And funny that was brought up because I was going to talk about that in this post anyway (weird...).
Ladies, this is one of those super crappy things that happen to us as we age (gracefully). The skin under your eyes thins and the blood vessels under the skin start to show through - creating under eye circles that make us look older and tired. UGG! I don't know about you but I intend to be fierce until a ripe age so the very first thing I apply in the morning (after washing my face, examining for any possible breakouts, moisturizing - yadda, yadda, yadda) is apply under-eye concealer. In my humble fashionista opinion, there is nothing and I mean NOTHING (expect clean, white teeth) that will help you look more fresh, more fabulous than erasing those circles!!
This is the brand I use - Erase Paste by Benefit:

I like it because it brightens as well as conceals. I apply it with a brush designed for its application:

Applying with a brush gives a smooth and light application which prevents you from looking too "made-up". I also sort of tap under my eye with my finger to set the concealer. If you have a good powder you like, lightly apply that over you whole eye (I said lightly) and this will give it super staying power.
Another product that received rave review from others but I've never personally tried is this Lancome waterproof concealer. If anyone out there has tried it, give me your thoughts. I might have to try this next.

Before I go, I just have to give you my 2 cents on clean, white teeth. I can't emphasize enough how much of a difference the appearance of your teeth make in your interactions with people. Brush twice daily, floss, get them cleaned 2x a year and for the love of God, if you have yellowing or stained teeth - go to the store and buy some Crest's Whitestrips already! Honest to goodness, you will be amazed at how much differently people will perceive you. I wouldn't lie. Okay, no more sermons. :)
Keep the feedback coming! Peace out.
Today's beauty question posed is about concealing under-eye circles. And funny that was brought up because I was going to talk about that in this post anyway (weird...).
Ladies, this is one of those super crappy things that happen to us as we age (gracefully). The skin under your eyes thins and the blood vessels under the skin start to show through - creating under eye circles that make us look older and tired. UGG! I don't know about you but I intend to be fierce until a ripe age so the very first thing I apply in the morning (after washing my face, examining for any possible breakouts, moisturizing - yadda, yadda, yadda) is apply under-eye concealer. In my humble fashionista opinion, there is nothing and I mean NOTHING (expect clean, white teeth) that will help you look more fresh, more fabulous than erasing those circles!!
This is the brand I use - Erase Paste by Benefit:

I like it because it brightens as well as conceals. I apply it with a brush designed for its application:

Applying with a brush gives a smooth and light application which prevents you from looking too "made-up". I also sort of tap under my eye with my finger to set the concealer. If you have a good powder you like, lightly apply that over you whole eye (I said lightly) and this will give it super staying power.
Another product that received rave review from others but I've never personally tried is this Lancome waterproof concealer. If anyone out there has tried it, give me your thoughts. I might have to try this next.

Before I go, I just have to give you my 2 cents on clean, white teeth. I can't emphasize enough how much of a difference the appearance of your teeth make in your interactions with people. Brush twice daily, floss, get them cleaned 2x a year and for the love of God, if you have yellowing or stained teeth - go to the store and buy some Crest's Whitestrips already! Honest to goodness, you will be amazed at how much differently people will perceive you. I wouldn't lie. Okay, no more sermons. :)
Keep the feedback coming! Peace out.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My first question...
Q: So the first question I have been asked is, "How do I apply dark eyeshadow under my eyes without it smudging all down my face?"
A: It's all about the brush! Well almost all about the brush. First, you want to make sure that your under eye is clean of eye cream, under-eye concealer, anything else that's greasy. The best thing to do is use a Q-tip and wipe the whole rim of your eye with it before you apply any eye make-up. The take your good quality brush and coat it well in the eye shadow of choice, tap it a couple of times to remove excess shadow, and apply. It should last you for 4 - 6 hours.
Important reminder: it has been my experience that almost all make-up wears off in the course of a day. You can buy the fanciest, most expensive make-up and it will still be a little worn after an 8 or 9 hour work day. If you want your "look" to last longer than that, I got one word for you - reapply, baby, reapply.
The Brush: for this type of application, I personally like one a little smaller and thinner but not the fine point of an eyeliner brush. I found one on Sephora that I liked. (LOVE SEPHORA!) Check out the picture. I would use the nubby end.

One more comment on dark shadow under the eye - that's technique and a "look" that is best left to a night time event. If you show up at the office or your dentist appointment with the smoky eye, folks are going to think 1. you've been out all night long or 2. you are a bartender at Koots (no offense to bartenders or Koots!) My point is daytime, keep the eyeshadow on the neutral side. And apply a darker color in your office bathroom at 5:15 pm for drinks! ;)
Ciao for now - let me know what your questions, comments, thoughts are on my new blog and most definitely send me your fashion/make-up/hair/accessory/shoe questions!
Oh, PS, speaking of shoes - check out these uber cute Naughty Monkey shoes I just got on Zappos.com. OMG, I love them. Have a good one!
A: It's all about the brush! Well almost all about the brush. First, you want to make sure that your under eye is clean of eye cream, under-eye concealer, anything else that's greasy. The best thing to do is use a Q-tip and wipe the whole rim of your eye with it before you apply any eye make-up. The take your good quality brush and coat it well in the eye shadow of choice, tap it a couple of times to remove excess shadow, and apply. It should last you for 4 - 6 hours.
Important reminder: it has been my experience that almost all make-up wears off in the course of a day. You can buy the fanciest, most expensive make-up and it will still be a little worn after an 8 or 9 hour work day. If you want your "look" to last longer than that, I got one word for you - reapply, baby, reapply.
The Brush: for this type of application, I personally like one a little smaller and thinner but not the fine point of an eyeliner brush. I found one on Sephora that I liked. (LOVE SEPHORA!) Check out the picture. I would use the nubby end.

One more comment on dark shadow under the eye - that's technique and a "look" that is best left to a night time event. If you show up at the office or your dentist appointment with the smoky eye, folks are going to think 1. you've been out all night long or 2. you are a bartender at Koots (no offense to bartenders or Koots!) My point is daytime, keep the eyeshadow on the neutral side. And apply a darker color in your office bathroom at 5:15 pm for drinks! ;)
Ciao for now - let me know what your questions, comments, thoughts are on my new blog and most definitely send me your fashion/make-up/hair/accessory/shoe questions!
Oh, PS, speaking of shoes - check out these uber cute Naughty Monkey shoes I just got on Zappos.com. OMG, I love them. Have a good one!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Day 1
So, a friend of mine mentioned to me today that I should start a blog about make-up tips. I thought, "Yeah! I should start a blog about make-up!" ... and clothes and shoes and handbags and jewelry... you get the idea.
I can hear you now, asking yourself, "why would I care what you say?" Very valid question. The reason? Because I wake up each morning wanting to be creative with my clothes, shoes, make-up, hair and accessories. And turns out, I'm good at it. And people are constantly asking my opinion and help on what to wear, how to put on make-up and how to update their look.
In Alaska, us ladies are definitely challenged by our choices or lack thereof and we live where our peers don't necessarily demand we look "current" let alone feminine . But I say, throw off that flannel! Carhartt's be damned and Xtratuf's be gone. Let's be strong, confident women who look good! Who's with me?
So, I'm starting a blog. I'm going to write about all things fashion, all things make-up and probably some celebrity gossip and reality TV too, just because I can't help myself. ;)
And if you want some free advice, post your question. And I promise to put up some photos soon!
I can hear you now, asking yourself, "why would I care what you say?" Very valid question. The reason? Because I wake up each morning wanting to be creative with my clothes, shoes, make-up, hair and accessories. And turns out, I'm good at it. And people are constantly asking my opinion and help on what to wear, how to put on make-up and how to update their look.
In Alaska, us ladies are definitely challenged by our choices or lack thereof and we live where our peers don't necessarily demand we look "current" let alone feminine . But I say, throw off that flannel! Carhartt's be damned and Xtratuf's be gone. Let's be strong, confident women who look good! Who's with me?
So, I'm starting a blog. I'm going to write about all things fashion, all things make-up and probably some celebrity gossip and reality TV too, just because I can't help myself. ;)
And if you want some free advice, post your question. And I promise to put up some photos soon!
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